EZ HERBS & the Austin School of Herbal Studies
Teas Tinctures Herbal Skin Care Herbs for Women Salves, Powders & Creams | |||||||||||||||||||||
Ecuador - An Amazing Journey
I have been back for ten days and I am still
feeling inspired, different in my spirit and body and truly
peaceful. The two weeks in Ecuador has changed my life; my
perspective, my attitude and my soul.
We hopped a plane for the south of Ecuador where we traveled through just one of the many beautiful and unique bio-regions of this diverse country. We enjoyed viewing wild orchids on the roadside and began to witness the clear, pristine and virgin beauty of this most beautiful country. We hiked through a most penetrating park, the Puyango National Forest, where we communed with ancient petrified trees ranging in age from, 90 to 120 million years old!!!! I was astounded and incredibly moved by this experience. Feeling the old, I witnessed the camaraderie of my newly acquainted friends, which left me feeling whole and in wonderment. We then stopped at a FUN, outdoor lunch place, where we ate, danced and played in the rain!!!
In Loja, we were introduced to Horchata, a combination of 25-28 herbs gathered from the area and blended into a delicious, healthy infusion. Horchata can be made from many plants that are around you, in your own garden, or nearby, and with intention, can be brewed into a healing, calming and healthy drink for you, your family and your guests. We had a great talk and demonstration up on top of our hotel by two local herbalists. What an incredible setting! The following day, we left for our journey to Nangaritza and to visit the Shuar community in the Amazon. For me, this was the most enlightening part of our journey as the canoe ride up the Nangaritza River was one of the most peaceful, joyful and serene times I’ve ever experienced. The natural, virgin beauty of the land was overwhelming. The waterfalls brought magic, inspiration and awe. We docked our canoes and headed across the village to the Shaman’s home where he invited all 30 of us to stay the night. Such graciousness and generosity! We were so fortunate to partake in a healing ceremony that evening where we each had a limpia (a spiritual cleansing with herbs), and witnessed an ancient practice of healing by Don Juan, the Shaman, who prefers to be called a Medical Doctor. Don Juan is a beautiful soul and a loving man who has shared his healing skills with so many and is now passing on this tradition by teaching his sons these sacred ways.. The next morning we took an unforgettable hike through the Amazon jungle and met many plants, ate sugar cane, learned how to dig up Yucca and so much more. We next visited the valley of longevity, the green, lush village of Vilcabamba, where we stayed at a beautiful hotel full of gardens, roaming animals, precious water and views of the mountains. I took an early morning walk here and reveled in its beauty and serenity. We hiked up a hillside for a plant walk and met a friendly 76 yr. old local gathering plants to clean his chicken pen. We chatted with him and heard firsthand about the true healing and life-sustaining and enhancing properties of the local water, the plants, the herbs and the lifestyle the indigenous people embrace. He said that his grandfather lived to be 187 yrs. old!!!! In the evening we experienced another limpia and healing ceremony with two experienced and profound healers. Many of us felt internal understandings and shifts in our bodies and spirits.
on our journey, we visited Cuenca, healing mineral baths at El Bano,
met with a local healer and craftswoman who made beautiful Panama
hats, and visited a local school for young people with developmental
disabilities. There were more walks, talks and ceremony. An
inspiring tour of Ingpirica taught us about the ancient Incas and
Canaris (ancient tribes of this region). The ruins were still in
amazingly good condition and our guide, once again, was informative
and gracious. Next, we visited a remarkable, scenic area called the
Cajas Reserve. We felt on top of the world at Our journey culminated as we returned to Quito, spending our last three nights back in our special convent. A visit to a local organic farm in Palugo left us feeling inspired and in awe of all the work this small sustainable farm accomplishes every day. They support their community with fresh organic produce, fresh milk, and small animals for purchase. We wound up our incredible trip with a fun-filled shopping day at Otavalo market, chatting with the local artisans, all my size!!!, and purchasing beautiful works of art, clothes, jewelry and more for the folks back home. I know I am leaving out so many details, feelings and interactions from this trip because it is so hard to put it all in words. I feel so fortunate to have had this profound and sagacious experience. I am grateful to all of you who keep reading about my herbal journeys, my relationships with the plants and I am honored to have been able to share some of my journey with you. After reading this, I hope you will take a few moments to view the pictures of Ecuador and share the beauty and wisdom with me.